Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Eskpidisi slps Exam

Last week, on Saturday...
p wisata ke Gunung Merapi ng senior..
Subhanallah! Allahuakbar!

 mse ney..tanah yg kami pijak,terase bahang panas,asap keluar di celah batu dan tanah... Allahuakbar. Lava panasnya masih kelihatan...dan sekeliling para pekerja berusaha mengorek lava panas ,mengorek sungai yg tertimbus... cube bygkan... penempatan penduduk byk yg tertimbus ng lava panas dan batu yg keluar dr perot merapi sms letupan merapi berlaku.. Sungguh hebat ciptaan Allah Taala...tiada apa yg dpt tandingin ttg kekuasaan dan kebesaranNya. Gambar yg sy upload ini utk berkongsi pengalaman dng para sahabat yg sudi membc blog sy. Hidup kita hanya sementara. Semasa berada 3km dr puncak merapi, bibir mampu berzikir dgn nama Allah.Trauma merapi kemari masih terasa lg. Itu baru 25km dr puncak ke tempat kami.. Apatah lg kalo 3km disitu kemarin. Dekat yg teramat. Tp..angin bertiup amat kuat skali dan hembusan angin nye dingin mcm cameron. Mse berada 3km dr puncak...kami semua takmo balik sbb betapa alaminye hembusan angin yg bertiupan. Terase melayang-layang mse kt atas tu.Payung terpaksa tutup.. nyaris aku tak terjatuh..huhu..seriyau...

 Batu yg dibelakang sy tu..salah satu material yg kuar dpr perot merapi...besar gile...tgh jln pulak tu...

 Cube bygkan rumah yg tinggi pun...lavanye dah telan separoh perot rumah. astrafirullah.
Tiang listrik yg tinggi dan berat pun,dpt tercabut. Sungguh besar kuasa Allah.Tiada apa yg dpt tandingi kuasanya.

 Merata...serata-ratanya .Musnah segala2nya.

 mse ney mendaki ...

 Miss those moment togerther with all of u! 
~luph u~

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Your Birthday, Mom!~

 Mama... First of all...i do really miss u.. i wish u happy b'dae,mama... ure always live in my heart.. no one cant replace u in my heart..ure so special to me.. Thanks for always believing in me...Thanks for all the support that you have given to me.Thank you for being such a kind and loving Mother... May u rest in the peace up there...dan berada di kalangan orang2 solehah...InsyaAllah..aminn... ~Al- fatihah~

When i feel im alone in a crowd, when i think no one can understand me, when i think my love is rejected by others, and when i hate my life ,i just close my eyes and think about her who loves i am truly, cares for me in mine loneliness, dies when i cry, she is no one else but my u mom.. miss u teribble.. HBD!... from Adiah (tuan puteri)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jom kembali ke sekolah~ Ayok...haha

Td tntn lg crite ma favrot kt hp... tntn crite tu..trus ingt mse kami skolah.. haha..
Teringat behave sengal aku kt org tu... haha... lucu bangat dech~ Tengkiu to uuu sbb telah mewarna warni alam persekolahan sy... haha.. Im really stuck in that moment... haha... nk balik skolah!!! 

The last day and Happy holidays~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lepak dulu...weewit~

Billionaire Lyrics

By Travie McCoy feat Bruno Mars
(Bruno Mars)
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad.
Buy all of the things I never had.
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine.
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.
Oh everytime I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights.
Yeah a different city every night oh I swear the world better prepare for when i’m a billionaire.
(Travie McCoy)
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah I would be the host of.
Everyday christmas give Travie a wish list.
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt and adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had shit.
Give away a few mercedes like here lady have this.
And last but not least grant somebody there last wish.
Been a couple months that i’ve been single so you can call me Travie Claus minus the ho ho.
Ahaa get it.
I’d probably visit where Katrina hit and damn sure do alot more than FEMA did.
Yeah can’t forget about me stupid.
Everywhere I go imma have my own theme music.
(Bruno Mars)
Oh everytime I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights.
Yeah a different city every night oh I swear the world better prepare for when i’m a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oh when i’m a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oh.
(Travie McCoy)
I be playing basketball with the president.
Dunking on his delegates.
Then I compliment on his political etiquette.
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys, tens, and bens completely separate
And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing
(Bruno Mars)
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
Oh everytime I close my eyes I see my name in shining lights.
Yeah a different city every night oh I swear the world better prepare for when i’m a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oh when i’m a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oh.
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad.

Keep Your Smile...weeeeeee

Cukup lah dgn satu senyuman..memberi erti seribu bahasa

last exam tp tambah 8kg!!! OMG~

 Besok last day exam... pergh... yg tough punyee...
Tunggang langgang aku dibuatnyee...rrooaarr....~ hahaha

Td timbang berat bdn... naek 8kg.. OMG!!OMG!!OMG!!OMG!! mmg skrg nampak aku makin ketot...  tak pernah tyme exam aku naek 8kg scr drastik~
OMG!! pas ney tiap2 hari..pas subuh aku get ready g jogging...

OMG!! lepas exam... aku kne maratton pasai porpo pulak...
Kne hantar hari Jumaat... pergghh... gileeeee.... OMG!!! OMG!! OMG!!..
ade temu janji ng dokter gigi lg...
Hari jumaat besk ney ade kelas jawa lg..
Nk tukar kad bank lg... awww...byknye koje....

Tak sabar nk balik mesia...biarpun tempoh kurangs ebulan je kt mesia... nk hilangkan rase beban kt pale hotak ney..nk refesh gk... ~^^
 SEMANGAT!! ~haha~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Lirik Lagu Susun Silang Kata by Aizat

Aku ingin bermimpi denganmu
Ke awana untuk teman bintang bulan
Kerananya lebih terang sinarnya
Dengan kehadiran kau dan aku

Bagiku kaulah yang terindah
Manisnya senyuman anugerah Tuhan
Memarakkan api dalam diriku
Tak pernah aku sangka ada

Asingnya buatku
Asyik memikirkan dirimu

Kau umpama susun silang kata
Yang terakhir untukku
Sekian lama ku mencari
Rupa-rupanya di depanku
Hidup ini tak bererti
Jika tiada cinta di hati
Untuk terus ku teguh berdiri

Bagiku kaulah yang terindah
Manisnya senyuman anugerah Tuhan
Memarakkan api dalam diriku
Tak pernah aku sangka ada

Asingnya buatku
Asyik memikirkan dirimu

(ulang korus)

Dan tak kira apapun
Yang terjadi dalam mimpiku
Usahlah ia berakhir
Tanpaku memilikmu

(ulang korus 2x)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My happy ending

Break my spirit, break my soul, break my heart, but no one will ever break my will to go on.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Moment 3

There's a story behind everything.
How a picture got on a wall, how a scar got on your face.
Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking.

The truth

People often feel something,but express something else,They mean something but say something else.
So learn the art of saying nothing in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid. 

Moment 2

Pelajar Malaysia Batch 08 Farmasi UGM Tahun ke-3
~alhamdulillah dah masuk tahun ke3 dah...baru je ambik foto ney td.. Muka2 ceria lepas 2 minggu exam final berlalu..tinggal 6 paper lg yg akan berlangsung lg minggu dpn..selama seminggu lg... haha...chaiyouk!!! ~

 Ini group lab semasa Tahun Ke-2

Ini pic mse Tahun Pertama Farmasi UGM... rindu sgt kelas C'08...
-Kelas C'08 selalu dihati-

Ini mse hari raya aku di tahun pertama -Dokter-Dokter Gigi-Farmasi-

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Holiday ...sooner~

I don't care if it's a bad or a good picture, to me it's a frozen memory stuck to a paper